Hivetool.com>Beekeeping Guide>Locating an
Locating an Apiary
The location of the apiary should provide the essential elements
for maximum performance by your colonies.
- An abundant source of nectar and pollen should be near the
- Nectar and pollen-producing plants that bloom in late summer,
fall, winter and early spring are very beneficial to colonies for
brood rearing and over wintering.
- A good supply of clean water should be available within
one-quarter of a mile.
- The apiary should be located on a hillside for maximum air
drainage to reduce humidity.
- Late afternoon shade is desirable to aid in cooling the
- A good vegetative growth on the North should be available to
protect colonies from the cold winter winds. Trees or shrubs are
good wind breaks and protect colonies from the cold winds.
- An apiary should be near a hard-surface road. It is necessary
to visit your apiary in all kinds of weather.
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